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Ladies, Healthcare is NOT on our side.

It's time for women to be heard and valued in our healthcare system. You can fight back.

Do you have a long-term illness or diagnosis? 

Are you a caregiver for someone with a chronic illness?

Then it's far past time for you to claim your healthcare power.

No matter your role in the system, you can become a better, stronger, more involved healthcare consumer. 

You can be in charge of your care in partnership with your healthcare providers.

You can also improve your caregiving experience by becoming more organized, avoiding burnout and getting the support you need. 

It’s true. I’ve dedicated my career to improving healthcare and caregiving for women affected by chronic illness. 


As defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the CDC, a chronic illness is a diagnosis whose duration will last 3 months or more.

Examples of chronic illness are:

● diabetes

● arthritis

● multiple sclerosis

● cancer

● mental health diagnoses

● heart disease 

● acne

● pregnancy

If YOU are a woman a chronic condition, then you're in the right place. 


The Family Caregiver Alliance defines a caregiver as any relative, partner, friend, or neighbor who has a significant personal relationship with and provides a broad range of assistance for an adult or older person with a chronic condition or disability.

Most caregivers don't acknowledge that they are. They just see themselves as helping out.


Caregiving can happen slowly over time with help for someone over time, increasing as time goes on.


You can become a caregiver tomorrow. I'm not being dramatic at all.

It can take one accident or injury to thrust you into a world of caregiving, advocacy, healthcare navigation, disease management, finances, estate planning and other legal topics, home care and long-term care. 

Noble, but extremely stressful.

If there is a person you love on this Earth, then you have the potential to be their caregiver…or they yours.


Do you know what to do? How about how to do it? 

Could you start caregiving tomorrow knowing how to successfully navigate all the areas I spoke about earlier?

No? Then you're in the right place.


The Powerful Patient Partner Program, or P4, is the way that women affected by chronic illness will get better healthcare and improve their caregiving in & out of the system.

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Don't believe there is racism in healthcare?

Check this out...

A question for the ladies...

Tell me something...

On your healthcare journey, do you feel heard? Respected? Valued?

Or are you a victim of the dysfunctional healthcare system plagued with:

● astronomical costs, even though we have worse healthcare outcomes than nations that spend half of what we do on healthcare in their country (i.e., France, England, Sweden, Switzerland)

● lack of communication and care coordination

● preventable medical errors (the third leading cause of death in America)

● poor care delivery

● lack of education and health literacy for patients, caregivers and families

What about your caregiving experience?

Whether you're a caregiver now or could possibly become one soon, even tomorrow… 

Are you ready for that? 

Do you know what to do? Where will you get help and support? 

Or worse, are you a caregiver who is already burned OUT?

I know you. I understand how you feel. I am here to help you...

Is there any education in your care and treatment? Does anyone show you how to handle:

  • Appointments

  • Emergencies

  • Insurance

  • Keeping providers on the same page

  • A difficult diagnosis 

  • Managing your diagnosis

  • Billing and claims

  • Communication 

  • Your personal medical information 

Even better, do they show you in a way that benefits YOU...the Patient (or patient's representative)?

Why the Powerful Patient Partner™ Program??

It's simple,'s time for women affected by chronic illness to be heard and valued in the healthcare system.

This course enables busy & stressed women affected by chronic illness - whether a patient, an unpaid family caregiver, parent or adult child of a senior parent - to transform into Powerful Patient Partners™.

Women over 30 who are struggling and overwhelmed with their healthcare and/or caregiving in the system are the women P4 serves, along with:

  • Women who have been ignored, dismissed or diminished in their care and treatment

  • Caregivers who are unaware of how to handle healthcare

  • Stressed or burned-out caregivers

  • Employed caregivers who need help and balance

With P4, learners will evolve into stronger, more efficient healthcare consumers who manage care & treatment effectively while saving time, money & stress.

Healthcare is a highly personal experience, so results will vary for different students.

Through learning & increasing health literacy and improved healthcare consumer methods, women will learn to be heard and valued through better communication and self-advocacy.

It's time to fight back against the ills of the healthcare system that negatively affect women.

While healthcare disparities affect all women negatively through dismissal of our concerns and pain, or not utilizing caregivers as the resource they are in the system, Black women especially suffer.

I have seen my own discrimination in my care. i won't have that kind of treatment during my treatment...or ever. And I won't have it for you.

We as women must fight back. And coronavirus has made things much harder (to say the very least) on top of all of the other problems with the system.

P4 will teach you the way to become a better healthcare consumer and combat the ills of the system like bias and racism.

Module One & Module Two

This is where we change ourselves...

  • Module One

    Module One is the first critical step in becoming an effective healthcare consumer. You'll gather your unique health and medical information, you'll learn how to document your care to form a personal medical record for yourself and those you love. You'll also develop your motivation and vision for your care and discover your patient characteristics. This will give you the foundation you need to pursue the best care & treatment available. THIS MODULE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BEFORE TAKING OTHERS.

  • Module Two - Caregiving In & Out of the System

    This module was specifically designed for those that are active caregivers, including unpaid family caregivers, parents and adult children of seniors. Caregivers will learn how to build a team of support, their role in the system and how vital is it to care & treatment. Coupled with Module One, caregivers will be ready to learn the tools that will educate and empower them in the system. There's also advice on how to organize your caregiving outside of the system.

Module Three & Module Four

This is where we change the system...

  • Module Three - The Healthcare Management Tools

    Module Three is where you learn the patient advocacy and health literacy tools to manage your healthcare effectively. Your patient characteristics will be put into practice while you discover how to educate yourself in your care, build a healthcare team and make your appointments effective. You'll learn to choose the best healthcare insurance and providers, too. You'll develop your healthcare consumer methods as well and learn how you want to dictate your care & treatment.

  • Module Four - Taking Action in the System

    This Fourth and final module of P4 will teach you how to handle healthcare scenarios and what you need to say, do and ask while you are on your healthcare journey to make it effective. You will know how to save time and money in your care & treatment and share decisions in it. You will learn to manage real situations like surgeries and hospital stays, healthcare issues and crises...with your voice heard the entire way.

P4 for Patients

Your experience will be different than those who are caregivers...

If you are a woman diagnosed with a chronic illness, the healthcare system can be very tough at times.

You will gain the tools you need to become a more effective patient in The Powerful Patient Partner™ Program.

The Program was designed for patients AND caregivers. 

Patient education is in:

  • Module One - The Healthcare Prep System

  • Module Three - The Healthcare Management Tools

  • Module Four - Taking Action in the Healthcare System

These specific modules focus on how a woman with a diagnosed illness like me can get good care & treatment.

The Caregiver Experience

Caregivers must know the patient role intimately if acting as their representative...

The Caregiver's experience in the Powerful Patient Partner™ Program is a bit more involved than the experience for patients.

Caregivers must know their role in the system and use it to get good care & treatment for the patient. In order to do that, they must know and understand the patient role as if they were the patient themselves.

So P4 is designed for caregivers to participate in all four Modules. This will give them the patient role, then focus on caregiving the caregiving role in the system.

Who's Tiffany?


I'm Tiffany, a board certified patient advocate. Here's a bit about me:

    I am founder and CEO of PACE or Patient Advocacy and Caregiver Empowerment. 

    I have chronic illness. I know the role of the patient in the healthcare system. I deal with the same ills of the system as you. Probably more, unfortunately. Check out my skin...

    I am the parent of a child with chronic illness, so I intimately understand the caregiver role in the healthcare system. 

    I've been a social worker since 1994. I've been in healthcare since 1998. I know my stuff.

And like everyone else, I have a story.

I watched my family go through so much confusion and pain while my Gram was at end of life and my Mom became her caregiver.

The business of healthcare and lack of preparation from my Gram, staff was pushing us to make a decision to end her life or put her on Hospice. 

The only reason she could stay in a hospital bed is if she could receive enough services to stay in the hospital bed.

My story has two parts - healthcare & caregiving.


I heard the frustration in my mom's voice through the phone. Ever since she became caregiver for Gram, she often sounded like that.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“I'm going to jump out of the next window I see,” she told me. “They're trying to put Gram out of the hospital. We don't have test results, and she has a tracheotomy for God's sake. We can't take care of that at home and no one is volunteering to teach us. We can't take her home.”

This hit a nerve for me. I was a hospital communications executive at the time, but I was a social worker just a few months ago. 

I was the same person that discharged patients before they were ready. Patients and families are expected to do exactly as I said to do. That's how I was trained.

But this was Gram. My Gram...she fed me when I was sick and saved me from so much punishment. 

She always protected me and finally, I could do something to protect her. She was our family's matriarch. 

"Mom, have her call me." I knew the game the social worker had to play to keep getting her paycheck.  

After I spoke to the social worker, my Mom called me back in an hour and said, "They're moving now. The doctor is coming with the test results and the nursing facility is coming to review her chart. What did you say to her? Did you threaten her or something?"

"No, Mom. I told her what she needed to hear." 

I've done the job before, why was she not doing her job to the best of her ability on behalf of my Gram? 

Then I thought to myself for awhile after that, why did I have to go that far? 

Why did I have to tell the social worker what she needed to do? 

I found something that worked in our favor, because I was inside the system and knew what to say, do and ask.

What about patients and families who did not have the benefit of a healthcare insider's knowledge?

I made it my mission to revolutionize healthcare through increasing the healthcare literacy of patients and caregivers. 

I dedicated my career to giving healthcare power to whom it belongs - patients and caregivers. 

I don't ever want another family to feel the powerlessness we felt in the healthcare system.

We were not healthcare literate and we were not prepared.

Patients need to know how to use their power effectively, build a partnership with all of their providers and improve their healthcare consumerism tactics.


Since my Mom was the closest living female relative, she became caregiver. It was natural because my Mom and Gram lived in the same house. Mom was working full-time and had a full life. Over time, caregiving wore away at her.

Her job wasn't helpful. The healthcare system wasn't helpful. The long-term care and home healthcare systems were confusing and delivery was, at times, questionable.

I saw my Mom breaking down and I hated it. Why was caring for Gram so hard? I'll tell you…

    Gram did not have her wishes spelled out, so there was a lot of stress and fighting within our FAMILY

    My Mom had done smaller tasks like going to the store for Gram, but had to ramp up quickly as Gram became more ill, for which she was unprepared

    Mom's employer was becoming less sympathetic to Gram's situation and didn't hide their disdain. 

My Mom was breaking under the stress and Gram was dying. It was soul-wrenching for me. It was for all of us.

And beyond giving healthcare and social work advice, I had to stand by and watch helplessly. 

Do you understand what I mean?

After Gram passed away, I found out more about her healthcare experience from my Mom. I was angry. I went back to work so angry, my boss remarked on it.

I had to figure out a way to get it together. So, I started writing...I have always loved it. About healthcare. About Gram. About caregiving and Mom. It was making me more angry.

I started thinking, how many other people out there need help? From my work, I knew it was a lot. Families always came into the hospital or nursing facility saying things like, "I didn't know that" or "I wish someone told us this before."

I started writing even more. And doing more research on healthcare. I didn't know why, but I had to get this anger out.

Anyone in my life that needed healthcare advice, I was on it. I was totally overzealous. I love hard.

I was determined to do something in Gram's name. I always loved helping others and hated injustice.

Why else was I a social worker? It certainly wouldn't be for money or recognition. 

Social workers and all healthcare personnel least the ones who do their job to the best of their ability. 

The system does NOT make that easy when profit is king.

So..after over a decade of research, work, writing and literal tears, I now have PACE. I decided to dedicate my career to helping women have better healthcare and caregiving experiences.

I can only hope Gram is proud of me.



We want the best healthcare possible, right? And caregiving and eldercare shouldn't be so difficult. But unless YOU change the tide, you will experience the same things my family did. 

We weren't proactive. We weren't even aware, much less prepared.

But you and I have a lot in common. So I want to help you with your care and treatment. I want to help you organize your caregiving experience and teach you your role in the system.

Let me ask you…

Do you come out of your healthcare appointments dazed? Or frazzled? Freaked out asking what happened?

Does your doctor even listen to you?

Do you have the provider that meets your unique needs? How about your health insurance? 

When your requests are made, are they respected? Or are you dismissed thinking you're crazy? Are you downright ignored?

Have you ever experienced racism or bias or other kind of discrimination during your healthcare journey?

Bias and discrimination happens often enough to affect the healthcare outcomes of all women, particularly Black women.

As a Black woman, that hurts my heart. I have heard story after story from woman after woman about being ignored or dismissed in their healthcare. I have dealt with bias and discrimination in the system myself. Healthcare bias can kill, and does.

We can fight back.

Caregiving - While absolutely noble, it can be very stressful and difficult. 

You play the role of the patient in the healthcare system, so you must know the patient's role very well to act on their behalf. 

You need a team to support you. 

You need to address the care recipient's unique circumstances. 

You need to navigate their healthcare and treatment. 

Whether you're a parent caring for a child with chronic illnesses or a child caring for a senior parent, you must know your role in the system to avoid the pitfalls in the system. 

You know, our dysfunctional healthcare system. 

Caregivers go through an abundance of emotion and face tons of stress in trying to care for their loved one.

Some caregivers die before the people they care for. Stress and Burnout kills.

Many caregivers don't get what they need for an abundance of reasons. 

And they shouldn't have to sacrifice their existence to be successful. 

This shouldn't be. At all.

I can help you have a better healthcare experience through education and advocacy. 

I want to improve your caregiving in and out of the system, too.

You can become a stronger healthcare consumer and ease your caregiving.

All by becoming a Powerful Patient Partner.

I have put in the time to help you with your healthcare and caregiving because you already have enough to do.

These courses are made to fit into your schedule and life, not the other way around.

P4 is the way to empower women affected by chronic illness to demand better care & treatment and change the system.

I guarantee that you will be a stronger, more involved patient. Since any caregiver must act for the patient, they must know the patient's role intimately. Your caregiving responsibilities get much easier if you know your way around healthcare.

So how so YOU benefit from P4? What's in it for YOU?

I guarantee it will improve your healthcare and organize your caregiving...

  • Save time, money and stress

  • 24/7 accessibility for a lifetime

  • Effective learning at your own pace

  • Can fix your healthcare issues in a shorter amount of time

  • Increased health literacy in healthcare

  • Improved consumer habits in healthcare

  • Increased confidence in managing care & treatment for self and family

  • Ability to plan for healthcare issues and emergencies

  • How to communicate with providers effectively

  • All of your providers will be on the same page with your care & treatment

  • Finding out what patient type you are to navigate your care

  • Decrease in stress in handling care and navigation

  • The patient/caregiver is heard and respected in the system and with providers

  • Education and empowerment in the system

  • The right questions to ask in healthcare situations

  • Learning a lifelong skill for themselves and their families

  • Teaches patient responsibility and accountability

  • Educational program save hours and hours of time you need to research and understand these topics

  • Program will change and possibly save lives

Patients & caregivers need, in this time, to take control of your healthcare and treatment. In that, your can organize your caregiving in & out of the system.

What are you waiting for?

And here are the things you'll have upon completion of required phases of the program:

  • A personal medical record for yourself and those you love

  • A medication management system

  • Advance directives (depending on your personal decision)

  • Knowledge of your patient and consumer characteristics

  • Improved and increased health literacy skills

  • The tools to build a healthcare team

  • The tools to build a caregiving team

  • Methods of self-advocacy to manage healthcare

  • Shared decision-making tactics

  • Tools to handle surgeries, hospital stays, appointments and emergencies

  • A knowledge of your patient rights & responsibilities 

  • How to manage complaints

  • And a whole lot more...


  • This program looks like a lot of work. How is it distributed?

    Yes, the program takes effort. It will be a lot of projects, communication and gathering of information, but it's designed to help you succeed. Classes are distributed weekly, but you can go at the program at your own PACE (get it?). Many people have different needs and circumstances to deal with and don't have a lot of time. P4 is designed for that.

  • What do you mean when you say P4 is a progressive transformation?

    P4 takes you on an advancement of skills as you get deeper into the work. It doesn't require perfection, just effort and some time & investment.

  • What can you guarantee if I take the program?

    I can guarantee that you will become a stronger patient and healthcare consumer. I guarantee that, upon completion of all required phases (depending on your role in the system) you will be more confident and able to navigate the system more effectively when the tools in the program are put to practice. But please remember, healthcare is personal and unique to every individual. Results will vary depending on a host of variables, personal and in the system.


Here are some things people I have worked with have said...

"Thank God for you..."

E. Dusset

"Thank God for you, Tiffany. In a half an hour on the phone with you, you turned my confusion and frustration into a drive to get things done. Thank you so much. I know your Gram would be proud."

"I cannot believe how much I ddi

S. Jankowski

"I cannot believe how much I didn't know. I was thrown into caregiving when my Grandma fell. Thank you for all of your help and guidance."

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PACE transforms women affected by chronic illness into Powerful Patient Partners™.

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I'm Here If You Need to Talk...

Schedule a PACE Pep Talk and let's chat one on one...

If you have unique needs, and we all do, I get you may have more questions that I have not answered here. Schedule a 30-minute complimentary call with Tiffany so we can discuss your concerns and questions.